Learn Something New: Part 2

In the last “Learn Something New” post I shared (I’ll refer to it as “Part One”), I mentioned that I took an introductory Tableau course. Six months later, my personal development endeavors led me to a new position in a totally new department. It is a data analyst role, one level up, focusing on data visualization and storytelling.

Develop the Patience to Stretch

Stretch roles force you to acquire new technical skills and apply them. When learning new things you are now at level zero in your new journey. You are beginning your mission to invest the 10,000 hours needed to become an expert.

The manager who graciously hired me is patient and understands the time it will take for me to master Tableau. He went through the same learning process himself a few years back. I am learning to be patient with myself as I continue my daily quest by reading Tableau support documentation, completing inLearning courses, and dissecting Tableau Jedi YouTube videos.

Follow Your Own Advice

I am persuaded that giving advice is exponentially more motivational because you are forced to live up to the standards you used to coach someone else. It helps keep you on your toes. In the article “To Give Advice Is Better Than to Receive Advice” based on a 2018 study, speculates that giving advice boosts your self-confidence and gives you the drive to keep moving forward.

That’s why I am following my own advice, the same advice I shared with you in Part One. I modified it a bit based on the needs of my role. Now I spend about 1 – 2 hours every work day to build my data visualization skills as well as my SQL skills.

If you are starting your journey to learn something new, remember to keep calm and carry on. Seek advice. Pull from the library of advice you have received as well as what you have already shared with others.

If you would like to learn more about the A-Club, a professional network I am a part of that has a wealth of tools and resources for motivated self-leaders, click the link below.

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